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Contact me (Jack) either below or via my email address - 

 - If you would like your project, event or exhibition to be featured on this blog please email me ( and include an image, a brief description and any appropriate links, thanks.


  1. Hello Jack,

    I've just started reading your blog - well put together and interesting reading (I lived close to Balfron Tower when I was a child). Do you know about James Sinclair Point further east in Upton Park? It's long demolished but worth finding out about. Not much exists apart from a few pictures, but it could be worth adding to your collection!

  2. Hi Jack,

    Great blog, I'm working my way through it and really enjoying your work. I just thought I'd get in touch and share this link - a photo-essay from my blog about Lasdun's National Theatre. I hope you / your readers might be interested:


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